You Don't Need a Complicated Solution to Manage a Hybrid Workplace
With social distancing measures reimposed to contain the new wave of the epidemic, HR team has to react fast to the special working arrangements and make sure the occupancy in office is always halved to regulate maximum occupancy.
Modern intranets are increasingly being invested to address different HR challenges, like providing instant access to the intranet from anywhere, improving employee collaboration, building strong company culture with engaging internal communications, etc.
And this article will focus on how a modern intranet can help HR professionals quickly and easily tackle one of the pressing challenges posed by the continuous epidemic situation - mange the new hybrid working arrangements.
No More Spreadsheets
Using spreadsheets to stagger work shifts into A-B teams can be a quick solution but it can involve many back and forth between different teams and the HR team and make the process complicated.
To make this easier for corporates to maintain the new working condition, companies are being introduced to leverage the desk booking system, which can be connected to a modern intranet.
A desk booking system is not bound to be only limited to corporates adopting hot desking. By applying the concept of "booking a desk" at the office, fixed-desk office can also leverage this kind of system to let employees reserve their spaces before coming into the office, so HR team can easily manage the shift scheduling for capacity management.
This way the back-and-forth communications between teams and HR team will be hugely eliminated and HR professionals can manage the hybrid workspaces in a simple and clear way, as the system:
For HR team
Offers great visibility into the team working schedule by week, or month
Allows management to identify who is working from home and who is coming into the office with filters by date, time and location
Reports occupancy trend when the data is connected to analytics tools like Power BI
Spots peak days with overcrowded attendance booked
For employees
Shows available desks by date, time, and location
Enables them to check what they reserved with a list of upcoming office bookings and cancelation options
Displays time slots when they plan not to be at the office
Modern Intranet as the Hub
With the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience in delivering inclusive employee collaboration solutions, our team have been helping corporates build modern intranets as a hub for everyone in the company to stay productive and compliant with changing health regulations.
For those already using a Powell Intranet, an award-winning modern workplace solution, it is effortless to implement the desk booking system with a quick deployment which can be completed in few days. With a dedicated site template available, HR professionals or administrators can easily install the widget and fully customize the floorplan and available spaces.
Aside from desk booking, the widget can be extended further to other reservation scenarios like meeting rooms or even company-owned devices. By uploading a photo onto the system and tagging areas or items that are available for booking, employees can directly check and reserve resources on the intranet, saving time and avoiding human errors in the entire booking process.
COVID-19 Response
We are committed to ensuring you are digitally strong enough for the new world after COVID-19. We see opportunities in challenges - let's lead the change together.